速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Short Daily Prayers - Bible

Short Daily Prayers - Bible



檔案大小:49.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Short Daily Prayers - Bible(圖1)-速報App

Daily Short prayers are prayers you can pray on the go. This is not supposed to replace your prayer with our Lovely Heavenly Father but rather to give you the opportunity to pray when you don't have time on your hands because something came. As Christians we should make our lifestyle, a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer will take us from zero to infinity.

These are prayer models and will greatly help every believer in their prayer. There is a comment function that allows you to write your comment when you are blessed by it. The prayers can be prayed at whichever time you want but it does require the need for internet to be able to access the prayer images.

It will also help new believers who don't know how to pray. Share with new believers so they can learn how to pray. The prayers can be shared through social media and be a blessing to someone today.

These prayers came out of my communication with God and also listening to sermons all around the internet. Credit to all those who have sent their prayers to the website. We appreciate prayers we normally receive.

Features of this prayer application

Short Daily Prayers - Bible(圖2)-速報App

1. Daily Prayer delivered to you

Each morning you will have one prayer delivered to your phone notification when it is enabled. The prayers are beautifully designed and have a nice background.

2. Archived prayers.

The prayers are stored in archive for easy access

3. Favorite a prayer

Short Daily Prayers - Bible(圖3)-速報App

If you love a certain prayer and want to make it as favorite, it is possible to do so.

Download this prayer up and grow in the name of Jesus as a Child of the Most High God.

Short Daily Prayers - Bible(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad